Wrinkle Relaxing Injections – Botulin toxin A

If you would like to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the upper third of your face, while still maintaining expression, but having that fresher youthful look, anti-wrinkle injections (commonly known as Botox ® injections are the treatment of choice. 

How Does it Work?

Anti-wrinkle injections temporarily relax the muscles therefore preventing further lines and wrinkles from forming. It can take between 3-14 days for the effect to take place and will last 3-4 months then gradually wears off. Most people prefer a natural look rather than a frozen emotionless look and this easily attained.

What can I expect? 

Following an initial consultation and if suitable to have the treatment, a medical questionnaire and consent is obtained and photographs taken of the areas to be treated. The area is cleansed and the muscle action is assessed prior to the injections being performed. The prepared product is injected with a very fine needle into the muscle responsible for causing the wrinkle. The procedure is relatively painless and takes approximately 10-15 minutes. 

You will then be asked to return 14 days later to assess the results and if required a top up may be given.

NB: Pregnant or breastfeeding women can not have this procedure. It is also the case for those with autoimmune disease, porphyria, or untreated epilepsy