Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy 

PRP, otherwise known as the 'Vampire Facial' made popular by Kim Kardashian,

How does it work?

One or more vacutainers of blood is taken from the client. The plasma and blood cells are separated by centrifuge. After topical anaesthetic cream is applied to the clients skin for the plasma is then applied in a sterile manner to the client's face using fine micro-needling techniques. The needles puncture the dermis creating micro-channel which stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

What can I expect ?

The skin will look fresh and tightened, more youthful and radiant. A difference will be noticeable in a few days but will continue to improve for 6 weeks afterwards. Peak affect after treatment will show in approximately 14 days; a repeat treatment is recommended in 4-6 weeks and a minimum of 3 treatments should be planned.